Tourmaline Jewelry Tourmaline Jewelry

Tourmaline is a crystal borosilicate mineral mixed with magnesium and iron and comes in multiple ranges of color including yellow, dual-colored pink, multicolored, blue, black, green, brown, and violet. It is an 8th-anniversary gemstone usually mined in the United States, Africa, and Brazil.

Throughout history, Tourmaline stone has been cherished for its unique color variation, luster, purity, durability, and calm nature. The therapeutic stone, Tourmaline comes from the ancient Sinhale word “turmali” which means precious stone with mixed colors.

Usually, it is believed that anyone who truly accepts the Tourmaline stone with their pure soul can benefit by wearing it. But those, who were born in the month of October are believed to be luckiest by gaining enormous benefits by wearing Tourmaline in the form of jewelry. Tourmaline stone is associated with Libra and Virgo.

Tourmaline Jewelry: Cleaning Process

Tourmaline Jewelry Cleaning Process Tourmaline Jewelry Cleaning Process

A highly prized gemstone, Tourmaline should be cared for properly to keep its brightness and brilliance forever. To clean Tourmaline stone take warm water and soap or detergent and mix it. Keep Tourmaline stone for (3-5) minutes in the solution of warm soapy water. In the cleaning methods of Tourmaline stone, never use ultrasonic and steam cleaners are not recommended which damage its purity and alter natural color.

To avoid fractures and damage in Tourmaline Jewelry, you should follow some steps for proper care. Use a solution of lukewarm and soapy or detergent water then keep Tourmaline Jewelry for a few minutes and gently scrub with a soft toothbrush to remove all the dirt from it. Then wash Tourmaline Jewelry with fresh water and dry it using a soft clean cloth.

The cleaning process for various shades of Tourmaline Jewelry is almost different. For example, to clean jewelry of black tourmaline, leave it in salt water overnight and the next morning wash it with cold water. As much as possible, it would be best to clean black tourmaline jewelry once a month to protect it from fading. Similarly, to clean pink tourmaline strictly avoid saltwater or chemicals or any solution to it. Just simply clean it with fresh water and dry it.

Always keep in mind, to protect your Tourmaline Jewelry from color alteration and fading, avoid direct sunlight as ultraviolet radiation badly damages Tourmaline. Keep Tourmaline Jewelry away from heat, especially in the summer season. It is your duty to properly wear Tourmaline Jewelry which always keeps you glowy and attractive.

Magnificent Beauty and Benefits Of Tourmaline Jewelry

Magnificent Beauty and Benefits Of Tourmaline Jewelry Magnificent Beauty and Benefits Of Tourmaline Jewelry

Tourmaline stone can be worn in various shades of jewelry forms including Tourmaline Bracelets, Tourmaline Rings, Tourmaline Necklaces, Tourmaline Pendants, and Tourmaline Earrings. Traditionally, the ring finger on the left hand is often chosen as a marriage or engagement ring. But you can wear a Tourmaline Ring on your any finger including ring finger. Wearing Tourmaline in the form of jewelry paired with Sterling Silver is considered Sterling Silver Jewelry, enhancing the beauty and hypnotic power of this stone.

Astrologically, from the ancient period, people have believed that Tourmaline stone has grounding effects, wearing it alleviates hypertension, anxiety, depression, body pain, stomachache, and migraine. All over the world, Tourmaline stone is priced depending on its rarity, color, size, clarity, quality, and cut. Tourmaline stone with stunning colors of “rubellite” intense red and the deep blue-green “paraiba” is extremely costly among other gemstones in the market.

The “Stone of Serenity”, Tourmaline promotes self-confidence and creativity, treats gynecological issues and paranoia, enhances self-esteem and self-love, assists with regulating irregular heartbeats, improves hand-eye coordination, and overcomes dyslexia. Tourmaline is also said to be a primary stone of the heart that helps to maintain a calm balanced mind and aids in connection to the inner self.

Tourmaline Jewelry: Healing Properties

Tourmaline Jewelry: Healing Properties Tourmaline Jewelry: Healing Properties

In today’s world, people need purity, peace, serenity, calmness, beauty, inner hypnotic energy, positive power, and mental clarity. To have all these facilities, you must wear Tourmaline stone in jewelry form in various beautiful and trending styles such as; Sea Life Jewelry, Plain Silver Jewelry, Zodiac Sign Jewelry, Chakra Jewelry, Birthstone Jewelry, Alphabet Jewelry, Designer Jewelry, Customize Jewelry, and many other varieties of styles. Wearing it not only you will be able to improve your sense of style, but also have feelings of connection with the world around you.

Do you want to save time in deciding to match your outfits with jewelry on your formal days or special occasions? Now, not more you have to decide to dress a matchable look. Tourmaline in various shades of jewelry is only for you to grab the attention of onlookers. This unique jewelry piece of crystal in parties, anniversaries, marriage ceremonies, engagements, festivals, birthdays, and other special events makes you feel comfortable and shiny the whole day. To glow with spark, the Tourmaline Bracelet shines your inner positive personality.

Tourmaline stone has toughness quality as it contains a hardness of 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale. In many combinations, Tourmaline is a formulation of bi or tri-color gems that clears insecurities and intense emotions, helps in protection, balances masculine and feminine energy, and repels negative energies. This mineral species symbolizes wisdom and harmony. Tourmaline in various smashing Jewelry forms like Tourmaline Rings, Tourmaline Necklaces, Tourmaline Bracelets, Tourmaline Earrings, and Tourmaline Pendants cures you from stressful thoughts and feelings of disconnection from others.

Final Thoughts On Tourmaline Jewelry

Harbinger of Joy, Tourmaline is believed to be an excellent stone wearing it in various splendid shades of jewelry form diminishes fear, balances chakra, and is helpful for spinal adjustment. You will have a clear perception and vision, an open mind for new ideas, a deeper meditation status, strong stamina, a healthy physical heart, a powerful immune system, positive thoughts, and better mental health by wearing Tourmaline Jewelry in your everyday working life.

Rananjay Exports is a renowned Wholesale Gemstone Jewelry Manufacturer and Supplier that adorns you with an appealing collection of gemstone jewelry in numerous high-quality designs. From Rananjay Exports, you can easily purchase Tourmaline Jewelry in multiple forms Rings, Bracelets, Pendants, Necklaces, and Earrings to reflect your life toward happiness and prosperity. So you can blindly trust Rananjay Exports to have pure and beautiful healing stones in jewelry.